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trappin out

The act of listening to trap music (genre) and just letting loose or raging.

Carl was trappin out in his room

by jdhillonn March 15, 2016

13👍 3👎

trappin out the bandwidth

To download music illegally

"Yo did yo get that new lemonade album" "yea you already now im trappin out the bandwidth"

by Igotnoname May 8, 2016

73👍 1👎

Trappin out the bandwidth

Committing piracy online to save money, popularized by popular YouTuber DJ Akademiks

"I'm not on Tidal, we trappin out the bandwidth"

by The Devil is the world April 28, 2016

110👍 4👎

trappin out the bandwith

Trappin out the bandwith means to illegally download music from illegitimate websites. This usually comes about by not wanting to pay for albums, streaming services or online vendors. Thus you use your internet to download music.

"Drakes new album came out but i only fuck with 3 songs so im going to be trappin out the bandwith this weekend and listen to it in the car"

by Officialcandid April 27, 2016

29👍 1👎

Trappin Out The Bandwidth

1: Pirating music off of illegal websites because you are already subscribed to one music streaming service and don't want to get multiple subscriptions just because ALL the artists or songs you listen to aren't on the service you are subscribed to.
2: Pirating music because you don't want to pay for music AT ALL when you can get it for free illegally.
3: Pirating music because you can't afford a subscription.

Matt: Yo you gonna get that new Drake album?
Justin: Yea but only if it's on Spotify otherwise i'm trappin out the bandwidth.

by justingreg30 April 25, 2016

55👍 4👎

trappin out the bando

To trap means to sell drugs and bando is an abandoned house so it basically means to sell drugs at and abandoned house

Bob: ima gonna be trappin out The Bando tonight
Diego: Which Bando are you going to trap at?
Bob: the one across the street
Diego when Did you see the plug? (Plug is the main drug dealer; the leader of them)
Bob: yesterday
Diego: Alright Go sell your drugs at the abandoned house

by Trap L0ORD November 9, 2014

47👍 10👎