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triple-jump, one of the weirdest looking, hardest to preform, and best gastrocnemeous toner... only the best most intense athletes can do it well..... triple jump is track.

Wow, where did she get those hot calves?

Oh, she does triple-jump

by anonymous May 15, 2006

43👍 5👎

triple jump

Bowser's Up air when performed after expending his double jump. The animation performed looks like a third jump of sorts and can be used to punish noobs who try to jump over Bowser. After a successful triple jump, Bowser lands and taunts.

Look at this Jiggly try to recover over my head. I'm gonna get that stupid puff ball. Jump, (predict double jump), jump, triple jump (death). fast fall, l-cancel. taunt.

by God of the Kitchen July 13, 2010

6👍 14👎

A Triple Jump Through a Hoop Whilst Whistling the Star Spangled Banner

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

They left the Earth just prior to its destruction, but left humanity one last message, a triple jump through a hoop whilst whistling the Star Spangled Banner, which, when translated, read, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

by cameleopard42 May 27, 2010

8👍 4👎

Triple J jump

Triple J jump ; Triple is a Nationwide radio station in Australia. They had the idea, if all there listeners JUMP in unison, it should trigger the richter scale.

The Triple J jump was huge, richter scale measures ranged Australia wide. Triple J is Australian Government Funded.

by Bryn Benn April 12, 2020