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True Family

you know those bitches that don't share any blood with you, but you're closer to than your blood relatives? yeah those. THAT'S the family that matters.

My besties Kellin and Kelly and Zach are my true family.

by heatherChandlerbitch October 4, 2017

a true medford family

A true family from medford is constructed like this: Both parents are together have a goooood amount of money in the bank a few kids each with about 100,000 dollers in their trust funds, at least one of the daughters is a whore and at least one kid is a stoner, big ass house look perfect on the outside, and every kid is perfect at everything they do they have to have a shore house and dress everyday in either Abercrombie & Fitch or American eagle, oh and the whole famile must be very attractive

Person1-yea there's this family who lives down the street from us in the summer in ocean city, damn they're like perfect
Person2-are they from medford??

by lover April 20, 2005

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