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originating in the dorms of CNU, a pathetic and obvious attempt to get with someone. done by both sexes and usually used to bash a friend or aqquaintance.

She was tryin' like craz ywith that guy at the party.

Oh you be tryin'!

There's a lot of tryin' going on here.

by Frannie328 July 31, 2006

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Tryin' it

Putting too much obvious effort into achieving something. Most often applies to trying to act or look cool in comparison to others - or in trying to get the sexual attention of a boy or girl.

Action spurred by a desperation for attention.

E: Did you see how Ryan was acting last night at the bar, he was just begging for attention!
M: Yeah, he was definitely tryin' it.

by C Burnett April 5, 2013

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Tryin' to

A much better way of saying "do you want to" or "are you going to". Confuses fools who aren't familiar with its usage. Straight outta C'ville.

Wrong: "Yo, you tryin' to get crunk tonight?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Right: "Yo, you tryin' to get crunk tonight?"
"Shit yeah"

by Hotstreak April 26, 2008

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Tryin' to...?

Say this to your friend when holding an object in your hand that may or may not be able to fit in their friend's anus.

While holding up a banana or giving the thumbs up:

"Yo Mark, you tryin' to...?"

by ahughes242 October 20, 2008

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Tryin' 2

A shibbier way of saying going to or want to.

AP: Yo what you tryin' 2 do tonight?
Seth: Man, i'm tryin' 2 go to the Giant's game.
AP: Shibby!

by A Peezie August 21, 2007

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tryin to chill

depends on gender of speaker and listener.

when male to female: i want to have sex.

when male to male: you wanna pick up a couple g's and rip this bong?

yo dan tryin to chill with your roor?

yo lindsey tryin to chill at my house? my parents are gone.

by Teerav February 7, 2007

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I'm tryin

Sprangs slang commonly used to clearly define one's intentions to others.

See also: So I'm sayin

I'm tryin to go eat something, you wanna come with?

by Zeebs February 22, 2005

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