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twat off

A twat off is when a women gets bored of jerymy kyle, the kids are at school and she really needs to have a good wank

"The war is upon us " said eric , as the army approached. "omg " she said, as she ran to the bedroom and had a quick 'twat off ' . Dead, eric lay , when the approaching forces finally found her, she was overcome with twattishness.

by milktrayman November 5, 2017

1👍 2👎

I'ma rip your twat off

an expression used to insult someone who is pissing you off, or doing something to you that makes you want to kick their face in, punch their face in, kick them, punch them, spit on them, slap them ect.

Rob "black, if you dont get on this skateboard I'ma rip your twat off!"

by iBallin14 August 29, 2009

3👍 8👎