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university of ottawa vs. carleton rival chants

Being located in the same city, it is natural that the University of Ottawa and Carleton have become rival schools. Here are examples of chants heard on the University of Ottawa campus during frosh week (also known as 101 week):

university of ottawa vs. carleton rival chants:
If I had the wings of a sparrow,
If I had the wings of a crow,
I'd fly over Carleton tomorrow,
and shit on those bastards below, below!
shit on, shit on, shit on those bastards below, below
shit on, shit on, shit on those bastards below


I'm an asshole,
I'm an asshole,
I'm an asshole through and through,
but i'd rather be an asshole than to go to Carleton U

by The First GG October 17, 2012

34👍 11👎