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Up The Mountain

The act of being from Upper Greenwood Lake and having multiple tattoo's, regardless if you are a girl or a boy.

It is also common to have farm animals as family pets here. In fact, it's common to marry family pets here.

It's believed that the lack of oxygen Up The Mountain has gotten to the local residents' heads, which would explain the odd acting of this starnge area of the even stranger West Milford.

UGL (AKA Up The Mountain). Where the men are men, and the women have tattoo's.

by Odd8Out January 25, 2009

37👍 11👎

up the mountains

what philly people (especially south philly people) call going to the mountains, i.e. the poconos.

it's similar to the expression 'goin down the shore'

"we're heading up the mountains this weekend to my friend's cabin"

by crhis May 13, 2008

3👍 3👎

Take me up the north mountain

To take up the north mountain :-
1. As a skilled mountaineer you can take someone up the north mountain to help them end an eternal winter.

2. To fuck someone in the ass.


by ALEXOUS1 March 20, 2018

33👍 2👎

booking up a mountain

To climb a mountain trail with vigor and determination

Joshua Quitter began a recent article in Time magazine about a Palm's Pre, profiling the man who created it, writing on June 15, 2009: "A few weeks ago, Jon Rubinstein
was booking up a mountain the side of Mount Tamalpais in......"

by PRwiz101 July 3, 2009