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up to now

Until now

Up to now everything worked out

by YeahLola February 7, 2014

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Up now

Means you came up from nothing and don’t wanna go back to being down or broke

That boi John is up now see his new whip

by Noshotoffshore December 18, 2021

what's up now

A rhetorical question used when one is in a difficult predicament and the circumstances suddenly change in his/her favor, such as when the person in trouble pulls out a gat or when his/her posse shows up ready to whoop some ass. Often followed by "bitch" or "punk" to further assert dominance.

Barack Obama: "Now that I've won the Iowa caucus, I have the Democratic nomination in the bag. The New Hampshire primary is going to be a walk in the park."
(Hillary Clinton wins New Hampshire primary)
Hillary Clinton: "Hell yeah! What's up now, bitch???"
(Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination)
Hillary Clinton (obviously insincerely): "Congratulations, Senator Obama. I am so happy for you. The American people definitely made the right choice."
Barack Obama: "Three words, Senator Clinton: WHAT'S UP NOW?!?!?!"

by Nicholas D February 27, 2009

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whats up now

Said after coming upon someone who has done or said something earlier deserving of a beating, which could not be administered due to circumstance.

You were talking smack earlier with your friends.....Whats up now!!

by Brett A August 18, 2006

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ya dun fuck'd up now

You screwed up so bad that the consequences are the equivalent of getting fucked

Guy 1: Oh, I just teamkilled by accident!

by oeiwghowir April 12, 2016

i ant up on nothing right now

Not seeing no one at all.

I ant up on nothing right now ,My ex-girlfriend that had lived with me for a few years, and I were having.a talk over the phone after a visit over the holidays. We hadn't been together in couple of years before her visit.Well out of the blue she shouts out I ant up on nothing right now. Am like what! Were and way you say that I hadnt asked or accuse her of anything. It was a surprise to be but you know it open up questions , She says I just saying am not with no one, Meeting guys up at the hot springs for one night stands ,is not up on no one. Dam Boys that hurt Tx ant never got so far from AZ.like it just did, and she says on the last night of 10 days together . Loving was good and very heart felt but no sweetheart am not your head case , shut the front door its one at the back better.

by Lead em in deep, February 10, 2014

Went to pick up some parts and now I'm stuck in traffic

When one goes to collect commodities from a local deader, but is forced to stay longer than expected due to police presence outside. For example, I went to pick up weed, the police parked outside, now I stuck watching Spongebob with my dealer's kids.

Gents, I went to pick up some parts and now I'm stuck in traffic. I won't be able to attend the meeting today

by Grammando October 6, 2021

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