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Ur god a fraud

Worst "ur" insult you can say to any person or any living creature in this universe. Enough said. Even if you are an atheist it still makes you have suicidal thoughts for the rest of your life and its passed down to your children.

Dager says - "ur family tree LGBT!"
Steve responds with, - "ur god a fraud!"

Dager then enters into crippling depression , while god cries for the rest of his life in heaven. Eventually, Dager kills himself with every possible way he can.

by I am a Sex Offender April 2, 2018

6👍 1👎

ur god a fraud

The very last in the saga of ur mom gay insults. Use this at your own risk. By the time Donald Trump says this to Kim Jong Un WWIII will have started and ended, causing earth to be removed from existence.

Johnny: ur mom gay

Rayden: That May be true, but, *takes a defensive stance* ur god a fraud!
Johnny:*a rift in space-time is opened causing a massive explosion, Johnny is sucked in as Rayden is obliterated by the explosion*

by Yeet No Feet March 30, 2018

3👍 1👎

ur god fraud

The most devastating insult that anyone can say. Even god forbid it. Every time somebody says "your god fraud,"
The galaxy Andromeda moves 1,000,000,000,000,000 miles close to us.

Landen: Your mom gay
Adam: Your dad lesbian
Landen: Your sister a mister
Adam: Your brother a mother
Landen: Your grandpap a trap
Adam: Your granny tranny
Landen: Your aunt a croissant
Adam: Your species feces
Landen: Don't make me do it!
Adam: You won't you pussy!

Landen: ur god fraud

*universe explodes*

*god dies*
*universe collapses on itself*

Landen: ur mom gay
Adam: ur dad lesbian
Landen: ur sister a mister
Adam: ur brother a mother
Landen: ur grandpap a trap
Adam: ur granny tranny
Landen: ur aunt a croissant
Adam: ur species feces
Landen: Don't make me do it!
Adam: You won't you pussy!

Landen: ur god fraud

*universe explodes*

*god dies*
*universe collapses on itself*

by jehovahschild April 15, 2018

ur god a fraud

The strongest insult ever, and cannot be countered in any way. When used against someone, they instantly get a stroke and die, leaving a black hole open to suck in the universe.

Jake: ur mom gay
Donald: ur dad lesbian
Jake: ur granny tranny
Donald: ur god a fraud
Jake: *dies*

by HOW DO I TURN OFF CAPS LOCK April 11, 2018