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Someone that destroys their own community by looting, burning down businesses, or by increasing the local crime rate by any other means. Typically loud and obnoxious in behavior.

Did you hear about the urbanites looting Walmart yesterday?

by Torlokt May 24, 2023

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Without any racism intended, it is a failure... a failure in multiple areas of life (not just career). It is one who lets their pants sag. One who should evacuate the city at the earliest possible convenience to live a meaningful, fruitful and experience-rich life. One who emulates the mannerisms, language, and fashions associated with African-American culture, particularly hip hop in the United States or the Grime/Garage scene in Britain. A failed attempt at cultural appropriation. One who gets no fulfillment from work. One who is the weakest link in a friendship network, usually the "mooch" & one who is in debt or utilizes debt. One with no discipline, no true culture, no progress, no patience, no responsibility, no honor, no dignity & no respect. One who believes in the melting pot theory, that old blasphemous, gene-mutating perversion which permanently disfigures their offspring for ten generations. One who believes in immediate self gratification. One who is expecting the government to deliver food stamps and/or financial aid. A complete loser in ever sense of the word.

No, I will not move to Philly. It's filled with crime, drugs, allophillia & urbanites. We'll stay in Hockessin or we're threw.

by theBurbite August 27, 2012

96πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Uppity Urbanite

Someone who thinks that living downtown is the only way to go and that everyone else is an uncultured rube.

β€œI can’t visit her, she lives in the suburbs for God’s sake! You might as well ask me to go to the deep south or the dark heart of Africa or some other place with no running water or appletinis!” Shrieked the uppity urbanite.

β€œOh...my...God....is that a cow?! Hold me, I’m scared, it’s going to be just like Deliverance”
β€œShut the fuck up, Catherine. If you’re going to pull this uppity urbanite shit with me we will end this road trip right now.”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

33πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

feral urbanites

1. dysfunctional city dwellers, prone to acts of violence or aggression

2. city-dwelling, undomesticated, ignorant, amoral members of the lower class; often adored with tattoos and affiliated with gangs

3. work-averse inner city thugs engaging in illicit schemes of self-enrichment (e.g. looting, robbery, carjacking, knockdown games), at the expense of innocent victims perceived as weak or defenseless (e.g. old people, lone drunks, gays, transvestites)

4. followers of corrupt, self-aggrandizing corporate extortionists and inciters of race riots, such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton


a: "Dude, those feral urbanites have been following us for the last half hour"

b: "S'ahright, man, if they try to rob us I'll trayvon the first one -- the others will scatter like cockroaches when the lights go on"

by GoAheadMakeMyDay July 25, 2012

48πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Sophisticated Urbanite

Someone who is urban and cityish but still sophisticated with impecable taste. And no one ever questions their fashion choices. They envy their amazing use of slang and wide range of vocabulary. They are personable and people want to talk to them. You can only be designated this term.

Britney: "Look at Grayce. Her outfit is amazing. Edgy, but stylish."

Katie:"I know, she's such a sophisticated urbanite."

by meowwoman March 3, 2009

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A city slicker who got his butt placed in the middle of nowhere

That rur-urbanite cant milk a cow to save his life!

by Dog eats God August 12, 2010

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1)Someone who knows of the "urban language/slang" well
2)A person who subscribes to the Urban Dictionary website
3)One who visits the Urban Dictionary website daily:URBAN OBSESIVE

"Yeah, i go to the site like everyday. I know, I'm an Urbanite"

by Mr. Frank the Urbanite October 17, 2008

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