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utter cunt

A person who is basically a massive cunt, every day throughout the whole fucking year. The person is such a massive cunt, that massive isn't enough to describe it, hence utter cunt is more fitting. Utter cunts are usually called Amar or Cian or something stupid like that.

A: Hey do you know this guy, he seems nice!?
B: No he's not, he's the definition of an utter cunt!

by StellaDrinkerNotts June 3, 2017

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Utter cunt

Not just a cunt but an utter cunt

Warren refused to help any of his colleagues as he’s only interested in himself, he’s an utter cunt.

by MSOS May 23, 2022

Complete and utter cunt

Often is a dingle and is found trolling England forums 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Has a fetish for ponies.

That (Claret Charlie, mel gibson, robbie savage, trevor hemmings) is a complete and utter cunt.

by Completeanduttercunt November 13, 2011

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Utter Shower Of Cunts

an absolute twat, or group of twats that think they are better or cooler than everybody else

"omfg look at that utter shower of cunts, they havent even got an apple tini"

by ZooLanderr July 12, 2008

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