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vampire kiss

When making out, biting and or sucking while kissing the neck.

Also a book written by Ellen Schreiber.

Raven gave Alexander a hug and a Vampire Kiss from behind.

by Bryonny July 19, 2006

108πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

vampire kiss

kind of like a french kiss, but you bite each other's tounge and exchange blood.

I was makeing out with this guy when all of the sudden he gave me a vampire kiss.

by mimi February 25, 2005

52πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

vampire kiss

Lots of people think that a vampire kiss is just kissing and biting the neck, it's not. It can either be:

1) Licking out a woman when she is on her period.

2) Sucking the blood from any cuts or scratches.

3) Kissing with period blood in your mouth.

Guy 1: "I gave my girlfriend a vampire kiss last night"

Guy 2: "You idiot! you can catch HIV from that"

by Blooddiamond21 August 31, 2007

41πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Vampire Kisses

A book series. Written by Ellen Schrieber. A way better version of the: girl, vampire, girl falls in love with vampire scene. Better than Twilight. And the vampire's name is Alex not Edward Cullen and the girl's name is Raven not Bella.

Person: Hey have you read Vampire kisses?!
person2: yes, isnt it off the chain!!

by Kimberlyyy__ September 13, 2008

53πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Vampires Kiss

When a guy eats a girl out while she’s on her period.

β€œOmg, did you hear? Apparently, Tom gave Jessica a Vampires Kiss the other day. She was super freaked out!”

by A Mistake on God’s part February 13, 2020

Vampire kiss

When you suck the blood out of a girls vagina whilst she's on her period and press down on her neck while releasing all the blood

She was on her period so I thought I'd give her a vampire kiss

by U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,B,A January 4, 2017

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Vampire Kiss

When a female inserts her finger into the anus of a male with hemorrhoids, breaking the swollen blood vessel, then proceeding to provide oral pleasure to the ruptured anus while consuming the blood.

After that Vampire Kiss last night at the staff party, Jane is sure to get the promotion. Rim job -smim job, she went above and beyond. What a team player.

by ry-mo May 13, 2010

12πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž