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verbal slap

A sentence comprising of almost all cuss words.

Verbal Slap

That asshole bastard bitched about fucking that slutty cunt!

by sweetness-and-light May 1, 2007

24👍 4👎

Verbal Slap

When an insult is so surprising and uncalled for, it's the equivalent of slapping someone across the face. See mental slap.

Person One - Yeah, I got a 95 in math last year.
Person Two - So? You slept with the teacher.
Person Three - Verbal Slap!

by More Awesome Than Thou November 26, 2005

12👍 3👎

verbal bitch slap

to talk about someone so bad its like a slap in the face only with words!

she is such a fat ass OH I JUST VERBAL BITCH SLAPED HER!

by Erina December 7, 2006

11👍 4👎

verbally bitch slapped

Using words that hurt. Bad.

"Daniel verbally bitch slapped the shit out of you. Shame!"

by StepUpFromSwag August 2, 2014

5👍 1👎