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When you are speaking disrespectful to somebody

Person 1: yo coochie looks like you can swipe bricks between it

Person 2: I know your not vexing me up right now

by Acrzxt February 14, 2023

no vex

noun phrase

Meaning "take no offense" or "I mean no ill will towards you." Used to lessen seemingly harsh statements into a more positively-connotative context.

"No vex bro, but it seems like you are gaining a lot of weight recently."

"I did not think you would end up with a girl that hot, no vex."

by chrountz October 29, 2019

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



That had me vexed bro.

by Rar_ January 5, 2019

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Vex is Jamaican slang (patois) for to angry, to annoy.

Patois: John vex because him get lock out
English: John is upset because he got locked out

by IvyCruz April 21, 2021

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To be angered at somebody or something

He was so vexxed at Kyle

by Relk March 30, 2005

85πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


pissed off, anoyyed etc

im fucking vexed

by steve November 5, 2003

297πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

the vex

The Vex are an annoying race of time-traveling cybernetic War-Machines.

During the collapse, The Vex managed to turn Mercury into a machine in a matter of days.

Damn The Vex won't stop coming through that gate!

by γ€ŒCharles_James」 August 9, 2019