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volleyball player

a girl who loves volleyball and has great passion for the sport. whether sheโ€™s a hitter, setter, or ds she will work her best to win and show dedication to the sport. a hitter will get kills, a setter will get assists, a ds will get digs and itโ€™s all so they get that sense of excitement to get one point closer to a win.

boy 1: dude are you gonna go watch the volleyball game?
boy 2: yea i gotta go see all of the volleyball players.

by iheartdogs December 24, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

volleyball player

Someone shows off there ass 24/7 doesnโ€™t stop until they hit one hard. Someone who will sit around in there booty shorts and sport bra all day even with friends

Damn she is such a volleyball player

by Athletes April 1, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž