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walk block

When you're walking along and unable to pass the people in front of you who are walking slowly, occupying the entire width of the walking space, and oblivious to the fact that you want to pass, usually because they are inconsiderate morons engaged in mindless discussion.

Coming back from lunch today I was walk blocked by these two fagtards talking about football.

by Mudbone August 12, 2008

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walk blocking

When you're walking down the street, taking up the whole sidewalk, and preventing others from getting by. Often done by slow movers, tourists, and other wide loads.

Those moms with their strollers are totally walk blocking me!

by tcp123 June 10, 2013


While driving, being unable to make a turn at an intersection due to pedestrians getting a walk signal and walking across the crosswalk.

Everyone wanted to turn left but only one car made it through the light because we all got walk-blocked

by dr.knownothing September 15, 2010

1👍 4👎

walk, talk, and cock block

The process in which two or more people notice that one of their friends is walking/flirting with a person that is way too attractive for them. Thus, to break up the social engagement the initial group that noticed the flirting catches up to the canoodling couple and initiates a conversation to prevent the pair from flirting further.

Guy A: Dude, did you see Carl and Vanessa walking to class together.

Guy B: No, why?

Guy A: He was hitting on her like crazy.

Guy B: Wow, that's not even reasonable; she's way hotter than he is.

Guy A: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Guy B and Guy A in unison: Walk, talk, and cock block.

(They grab their books and run after Carl and Vanessa in hopes of killing the mood.)

by MBCI kinda sucks July 22, 2009

16👍 4👎

Walk The Block

When a nigga tryin buy some yae on the corner.

Hall: Man my connect all jammed up

Gloves: Pull over ima walk the block
Skeet: That isn't a very good idea
Gloves: Shut da fuck up lil nigga i'm tryin buy some yae

by Nicole & Lauren August 10, 2016