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Wearing white

A expression to mean "relaxed" or "chilled".

Tyler was wearing white when talking to that girl, hes such a player!

by DaXqtftqx December 12, 2010

3👍 6👎

Wearing white boxers

means that you are aloud to do what you want and no one will know/care. derives from being able cum in white boxers without anyone finding stains.

tom:is it ok if i swear in u'r house
mat: yeh dude u'r wearing white boxers
tom: thank fuck for that

by Bradam September 3, 2006

9👍 7👎

wear the white shorts

Staying away from home all night, esp. due to casual sex at someone else's house. From Australian Football League away uniforms: the 'away' playing team always wears white shorts.

Jane walks in the door at 11am.

Jane's housemate: (sly look) "So, did you wear the white shorts, then?"
Jane: "Shut up!"

by rosiefantail August 4, 2008