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wet lips

when a girl is extremly wet and it is all over her pussy- cat! zoebabe (L)

when a girl is horny she gets wet lips.

by zoeparkerbabababaaaba September 3, 2008

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Wet Lip

something to drink

Can i get something to drink
Can i get some wet lip
which one is faster?

by Falconfootball09 January 27, 2010

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Wet lip Wednesday

a term for drinking on Wednesday.

-"what to do today?"
--"Lets go out and drink its Wet lip Wednesday!"

by bfrisky November 4, 2009

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Wet The Lips

When a lady visits the bathroom to relieve herself.
To urinate.

Woman: I'm away to wet the lips.

Woman: Where's the toilet i'm desperate to wet the lips.

by Honky_Tonk_Dixie February 26, 2009

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wet my lips

A phrase that a woman can use when she needs to go to the bathroom. The female counterpart to "leak my lizard"

Excuse me for a minute, i have to go wet my lips.

by squirly g June 4, 2007

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gettin my lips wet

the act of getting very intoxicated , very drunk

yo man im gettin my lips wet tonight im straight thirsty ..

by elta mozo December 31, 2011

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Grandma Wet Lips

A Grandma Wet Lips is the ultimate thot. They can usually have 100-390,000 kids, and about 30 boyfriends at a time. They are perpetually 97 and never age. She ends up creating humongous families on accident, and occasionally can be seen working with the Mad Titan Thanos.

Oh god, here comes a Grandma Wet Lips and her 1,000 person family. I think we might die.

by Pigeon- May 22, 2018