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whatcha gonna do

1.when something surprising happens, and u know u cant stop it.

2. or when someone gets all up in ur space and u say "whatcha gonna do"they automadicly step back

3. me and lilys saying that solves everything

1. "yesterday my boyfriend broke up with me"the girl said "well whatcha gonna do" the uncareing boy said

2. "ouch i just stubbed my toe" lily said "watcha gonna do"rachel said "yeah i guess"lily said

3. "yo mama" the small boy screamed. "WAT" the big boy screamed "u talking about ma mama" the big boy towers over the small boy. "yeah whatcha gonna do" the small boy said. then the big boy took a step bakward.

see it solves everything

by erinrox,rayy October 28, 2009

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