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white wedding

A wedding in which the bride can wear white for the traditional reason, that she is a virgin. Extremely rare these days, so much that it is often used ironically, such as in the Billy Idol song.

Drew: "I can't believe my little sister is getting married."
Billy: "Yeah, it's a nice day for a white wedding. HAHAHAHA!!!"
Drew: "Shut up dude, she's a virgin."
Billy: "Riiight...I seem to remember one night after she finished at the strip club, it was me, Joey, Kevin, Dan, Dr. Dre, the Dave Matthews Band, the Denver Broncos, the Penn State chapters of SAE, Sigma Chi, and KA, the guys from 'Jackass'...yeah, we all hit that."
Drew: "You idiot. Indabutt doesn't count."
Billy: "Sorry, man, you're right. She's as pure as the driven snow. I guess that's why she's 6 months pregnant and your dad's standing behind the groom with a shotgun while he sweats like a pig in a sauna."
Drew: "What the fuck?!? That dirty little slut!"

by Nick D July 22, 2004

370👍 151👎

White Wedding

When someone who has been off cocaine relapses and begins to do it again, it is called a "white wedding".

"I've been away for so long
I let you go for so long

It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding"

-Billy Idol's "White Wedding", referring to relapsing on cocaine

by Balliztik1 June 8, 2009

169👍 65👎

White Wedding

This is an addendum to your existing definitions. W.W. is junky parlance for the moment they untie the torniquet, their blood backs into the syringe glass and blends with the heroin mixture prior to the moment of injection.

Self explanatory. It's what Billy Idol really means. Great song by the way. "It's a nice day for a white wedding."

by Schombacher November 15, 2007

63👍 48👎

White Wedding

When performing sex with a woman from behind, the man removes his penis from the woman and ejaculates in her hair. He then proceeds to rub his load into the woman's hair thus getting it all stuck and semi-representing rice getting stuck in the brides hair after a wedding.

I gave her a great white wedding. It was everywhere.

by R.J. Fletcher March 18, 2006

57👍 261👎

White Wedding

When the bride gets showered in her Husbands, best man's and some randoms Jizz

"Come on Tracey; time to consummate our marriage by giving you a white wedding"

by BaldyMcSlaphead October 9, 2018

5👍 28👎

White Wedding Dress

Something a bride generally wears to a night wedding. She looks crazy because at night, you should wear dark colours.

Kiki wore a white wedding dress to her 6 pm wedding. It confused me and made me want to puke because it was so bright and cheerful looking even though the sky outside was dark and I was in a dark, nighttime state of mind. Kiki's white wedding dress certainly stole the show.

by Kimperlee June 2, 2012

3👍 12👎

white trash wedding

When two gay men go back and forth sharing breath after one of them has just inhaled poppers and the other has just taken a big hit from a bong or pipe ( usually filled with T). The high from the drug along with the rush from the poppers and the slowly decreasing amount of oxygen combine for a fun ride.

Hey man would you like to do a white trash wedding?

by Joey joe September 24, 2023