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Wii Remote

A magical device invented by Nintendo that shoots money right into their bank account.

"Man, buying that extra wii remote, and all those online games must have given Nintendo more money than Midas!"

by DJ Jetta December 17, 2008

16👍 3👎

Wii Remote Strap

The only thing standing between me playing Mario Kart Wii and having the FBI bust down my door.

"I choose Waluigi!"

"Aw man, you always choose the good characters. Also, where's your Wii remote strap?"

"What Wii remo-"


by Asgardian Jedi June 19, 2019

spin the wii remote

similar to spin the bottle, but really middle class

gay middle class guy 1: i feel like a badman, lets play spin the bottle
gay middle class guy 2: cripes, i only have a wii remote, that will do the trick, we can play spin the wii remote

by pdaykz September 11, 2010

6👍 3👎

Toad wii remote with wii motion plus inside

The god of all wii remotes

Today we’ll be play wii sports with my toad wii remote with wii motion plus inside

by ___dennis___ November 10, 2019

Toad wii remote with wii motion plus inside

A wii remote that is immortal, it can duplicate when broken

Poofesure: *throws Toad wii remote with wii motion plus inside*
Toad wii remote with wii motion plus inside: *duplicates itself*

by Wii Guy May 10, 2021

Toad Wii Remote With Wii Motion Plus Inside©

The preferred Wii Remote of the YouTuber Poofesure. Why is it special? Because... It's a Toad Wii Remote With Wii Motion Plus© inside. Why else?

Poofesure: I am using a new Toad Wii Remote With Wii Motion Plus Inside©. My original Toad Wii Remote With Wii Motion Plus Inside© met its fate during my Wii fit video, I threw it...

by windjtd22 November 23, 2019

Wii Remoting

The act of waving around long magic wands with your friends with the pure intentions of having fun and a pleasurable time.

Me and The boys were Wii Remoting last night, trier strap must of not been on all the way. Thier nut ended up everywhere.

by SlaySacker November 2, 2022