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Some arsehole that actually knows quite a lot about everything, but tends to ruin it by expressing his knowledge in a very rude and arrogant fashion. Tall and Bone thin, tends to act like he's better than most of the population. Even though he may be, his mannerisms and attitude ruin any chance he has with a girl that contains half a noggin in her dome.

He may also be completely obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and has a bullet point sheet to tell you every reason why it's better than any other game.

I'm mean, he was cool at first, but he turned out to be a Wingz. :(

by Frumpymcfrumpfrump June 18, 2013

3👍 2👎

chicken wingz

the slang way of referring to a Chinese Legend.
The chicken part was used because of the recent 21st century bird flu pandemic and chinese chicken wings is a speciality dish.

It was conned by The English Table Tennis Team whilst in China and they saw this handsome sportsman and called him that. It is now widely used by foreigners visiting China!

That Boy is a Chicken Wingz.

Chant: Wing Wing! Chicken Wingz! Wing Wing! Chicken Wingz!

by Paul Birch April 13, 2006

1👍 39👎