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Wipe my ass

Covering your bros ass while he clears a room of any sort of enemy. Primarily used in conjunction with Resident Evil 5's many Majini zombies. Can be used with any sort of 2-player co-op shooter game. Phrase coined during one of many bro days.

Italian Stallion: Bro, im going to get the last time bonus. Wipe my Ass!

Korean Bronco: You got it bro. Ass wiping in 5,4,3,2,1... go

by KoreanBronco March 4, 2010

36👍 10👎

Wipe my ass

Telling someone to wipe your ass to disrespect them. If that motherfucker decides to do so, he a fuckin slave suckin dicks on groove street probably for some gay ass losers.

Yo that nigga wipe my ass, i disrespected his ass in front of whole crowd. I heard his bitch ass been hangin out with gays, not a suprise.

by Fuckerhaha November 13, 2019

9👍 2👎

Wipe my ass with it

When you can perform a task with no difficulties

Dude I'm stuck with maths can you help?
Yeah cool, let me wipe my ass with it.

by Genial1232 April 18, 2015

21👍 1👎

wiping my ass

1. Dismissing an action from one's attention
2. To be done, or finished with a situation.

Similar to "I'm washing my hands of the situation"

"Yo Jordan, did you hear about the test grades?! The average was below a 40%."

"Yea, I'm wiping my ass of that one. This class beats calculus though"

by Urban yahtzee April 19, 2018

4👍 1👎

Wipes my ass

When someone helps you out/ something good happens.

Josh really wipes my ass when he sends me the answers to the ENED homework.

by The Appliance Guy March 23, 2021