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with flying colors

Triumphant; vitorious. Derives from the practice of a ship striking her colors to surrender in battle. Thus, the ship that comes through "with flying colors" is the winner.

Again Nelson came through with flying colors, vanquishing the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile.

by Second Head July 18, 2008

30👍 7👎

with flying colors

in a bold and assured way, in a spectacular or grand way

I passed the test with flying colors.

by Light Joker June 19, 2007

35👍 13👎

flying colors

complete success, to do smth perfectly

to come through with flying colors - to have a success

by Anika Pushe December 4, 2007

122👍 17👎

Flying Colors

Wearing beautiful tattoos proudly, and the studio where you get them. Sometimes attacked by barely-literate stalkers with a seventh grade agenda.

what is that girl talking smack about?" "Oh, you know, Flying Colors. She has nothing better to do.

by FCT1992 August 12, 2010

5👍 29👎

pass with flying colors

To succeed in something with no possibility of failure.

"I studied last night, so I'm sure I'll pass with flying colors."

by XDavid PolicastroX January 28, 2009

33👍 8👎