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a teacher's awareness of what is going on in all parts of the classroom at all times and the communication of this awareness to students both verbally and nonverbally

Teachers with expert withitness have "eyes in the back of their heads."

by Melissa Coyle September 11, 2006

80👍 9👎


Contemporary,cool, hip, hep, in the know

He is really withit.

by Felipa Richland April 27, 2005

20👍 10👎


Educational jargon for being aware. Like knowing when students are on their phones in class.

Student:”What’s Withitness?”
Prof: “Being aware of what is going on in class.”
Student: “Why not just say awareness?”
Prof: “Because Withitness sounds better and we can act like we’re better than others by having jargon that only we understand.”

by ShrewDannon April 11, 2023