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women's day


the day that makes women fly their 'cute' "freak flag" ! men have to go along with it (reluctantly) so as not to jeopardize their "treatments" , (ie: "cut off") there ARE a FEW men who actually claim to like it! , SOME are HETEROsexuals !

godda get these stupid decorations up for joan , for women's day !

the "cuteness" of women's day PUKES !

john claims to LIKE women's day! bert: yah!! , he likes a "slice of pie" , TOO!

one upside of divorce , is 'dumping' christmas or women's day CUTE!!

by michael foolsley December 19, 2021

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Women's Day

The 8th of March is the ultimate Simp's day. Simps from all around the world can come together to praise the one thing that gives them a reason to live without being judged. And that's women. They can tell them how precious they are, how beautiful they look and spoil them with presents. Spend all their savings on this exact one day in a year hoping to get even slight affection from the female gender.

John: Hey, have you seen Tim?
Mark: Yeah, he's probably buying flowers for Raechel.
John: What a Simp.
Mark: Nah, dude chill. Its Internation Women's Day remember?

by Flinki March 8, 2020

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Respect women day

A holiday to be observed 365 days a year because all women deserve respect

Be nice , it’s respect women day

by b00bysucker69 October 14, 2019

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National Women's day

On everyday of the year you have to respect women. No raping. No cat calling. No sexual assault. no begging for nudes. No leaking nudes. unwanted dick pics. etc
we need to change this world

Hey Abby send tits, cant justin it's National Womens day .
Come here baby girl your cute, it's National Women's day.

by WLM Women's rights March 22, 2021

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National Respect Women Day

A day dedicated to giving women the respect they deserve. Nationally observed on April 18th.

Person 1: Hey man, do you see that chick over there? She's thicc as hell!
Person 2: Nah, it's National Respect Women Day. We gotta give her respect.

by wholesomehours April 18, 2018

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National Support Women Day

Be kind to women!

Don’t treat them bad!

Finn: I bought you a box of chocolates!

Maddie: Why are you being so nice today?

Finn: You didn’t hear? It’s National Support Women Day!

by Alyssa Vontage March 24, 2021

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National Drop Kick Annoying White Women Day

National drop kick annoying white women day is a holiday for every October 39
We Annoying White Women on sight

β€œHey did you know it’s, National Drop Kick Annoying White Women Day?”
β€œHell yeah let’s kick some white hoes!”

by WeNishiki October 28, 2020

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