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word of god

A statement regarding some ambiguous or undefined aspect of a work, the Word of God comes from someone considered to be the ultimate authority, such as the creator, director, writer or producer of a TV show / video game / film / etc.

"Eh, I don't know if Clementine is gay."
"She is bisexual, fool! The developers confirmed it on twitter. It's word of God."

by larabot March 4, 2019

12👍 1👎

Putting words in God’s mouth

Because that isn’t literally what the Bible does....

Hym “If man can’t literally speak with God, how is the Bible/All religious text not putting words in God’s mouth? (Which is something you accused me of doing) I don’t know, give my thing a couple of thousand years... We’ll see what happens...

by Hym Iam November 27, 2022