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Ya idiot

A word used to casually describe someone not seeing the big picture/Someone who is acting blind to a situation. Not used in the real sense of the word.

Friend 1: he definitely does not like me
Friend 2: ya idiot, he’s obsessed with you!

by Watergirlfireboy December 1, 2022

ya idiot

a term you use towards someone and/or a group of people whom are acting extremely idiotic, more than usual.

Jerry decides to put a firework in his ass whilst being 26 shots deep. He catches his ass hair on fire and Darryl yells out " ya idiot "

Dale decides to jump his 1998 Tacoma into a lake thinking it's a submarine figures it out quickly that it's stuck in sand and can't get it out of the lake and needs four pick-ups to get him out, Iain looked at him and said " ya idiot "

by Ya Idiot January 29, 2018