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yellow hat

yellow hat is,literally a yellow polo hat, however it represents much more symbolically. yellow hat is to be worn by the champion, the best at what they do. Yellow hat is a sign of accomplishment and commands respect. You dont get yellow hat, you earn it.

i can't believe it, i accomplished yellow hat, this is the greatest moment of my life!

by Yellow hat contender October 19, 2005

17👍 17👎

The Man in a Yellow Hat

His name is not ted you have been lied to

The man in a yellow hat is not named ted

by dougus April 11, 2020

Dirty man with the yellow hat

The act of constantly spanking one's monkey while eating a banana using too much teeth.

I give myself the best dirty man with the yellow hat.

by platinumgaming57 June 24, 2021

1👍 1👎

Said the man with the yellow hat

A phrase used to subtly imply that the sentence just said by your friend or peer wasbullshit or just plain stupid.

"I would climb that tree to the top with no ropes"

"Said the man with the yellow hat"

by Paulie! March 29, 2017

4👍 13👎