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you changed

When someone tells you "you changed" or "she changed" it basically means you need to change

Look at sam guys she changed

Yo josh you changed

by Yagir April 7, 2017

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Change you

To change someone from walking to not walking. From speaking to not speaking. From living to not living. From alive to dead

Don’t make me change you nigga

by Uknow627 August 25, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Why did you change the date to December 27, 2022?

UD Jews, I’m talking to you

On my β€œBall of Confusion” definition, there is a weird date: December 27, 2022.

I’m assuming you guys must have changed it to this.

Is something supposed to happen on this day?

Why did you change the date to December 27, 2022?

by Death Menace September 7, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

you never change horse in mid term

Term Batterivatten uses when he does not have a qucik comeback

Person nr 1 - Hey You Know What They Say Batterivatten, You Can Not Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Batterivatten - Yes, You Never Change Horse In Mid Term

by Lord Moridin July 2, 2009

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I can change you

When a straight male think he's hot enough to make a lesbian straight (he's not)

Straight male: You're lesbian?
Lesbian: yeah
Straight male: I can change you
Lesbian: no, but I can punch you in the middle of your ugly face

by Kittyferns June 2, 2023