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you could do better

a hating ass bitch that can’t get a nigga

oh my! look at that bitch ass pussy over there. she said I could do better πŸ€”
you could do better: hating ass female

by sano ! January 12, 2022

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

You could do better

Usually an annoying way of saying, "your partner does not meet my standards of money and beauty which is more important than your opinion of your partner." These people can usually go fuck themselves. You should let them know to do so as well.

*At the company party*
Mary (or Drake) whatever: "OMG, Joe you've been talking about your new girlfriend for a month now and I was so excited! I thought she'd be more..*glances*... I think you could do better."
Joseph: "How about you go fuck yourself Mary you dumb-ass cunt. You don't know shit about shit and I hope you lose your custody battle. I'm not embarrassed of her and I shouldn't be embarrassed of her. She's great and she's a perfect fit for me and the only one who has the authority to decide that IS ME. My relationship doesn't depend on your validation as none should. Shut the fuck up Mary ( or Drake ), jesus christ"

by Preferably Not December 13, 2018

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