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you tired

When someone or something has been used and is currently played out.

You tired.

by aratnottus February 25, 2016

Are you tired yet

A phrase given by a female to indicate that she does not care about your sleepiness , but indeed her own, hinting that she wants to go to sleep.

Are you tired yet Carson?

by carsonjclayton February 7, 2019

You look tired

Politically correct way of saying that you look like shit.

Showed up real early at a swim meet the other day, this guy says, "you look tired". What he meant to say was, "you look like shit".

by 713hdj August 25, 2011

9358👍 6171👎

You Poppin My Tires

it means when someone says some BS or capppin

Sum1:Lil Pump's better than juice wrld

You:Yea You Poppin My tires

by vLoneHBK- July 29, 2021

2👍 1👎

are you tired of living?

Essex boomer phrase.

Often used after hearing someone waffle, say or ask something trivial.
Also used when someone says something stupid in front of you that is obviously offensive and will anger you/ third party. Essentially a threat.

TriviaPerson: says something trivial and hardly worth the breath.
Direct, collected and deep Person: "are you tired of living? Son?"

by Daonebest September 28, 2021