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You were a mistake

1. A wicked insult to scar or otherwise mentally harm your brother,enemy,troll,fag,loser,low-life or whoever it is you are arguing/disagreeing with.

2.Something you say to your kids to make them feel 'special'.Popular with fathers,mostly.Similar to 'you were an accident'.

1. (Random Youtuber watching one of Gligar13Vids reviews,posting a comment) : Damn,dude.Either you was dropped as a baby or you were a mistake!

Gligar13Vids : D: ....

2. Daddy: Why the fuck did you knock over that vase?!Why did my bitch even have you?!You were a mistake!!

Kid: (sarcastically)Gee,thanks,Dad!

by damnthat'sgoodOJ November 28, 2013

21👍 4👎

You were a mistake + Unimportant =

You can't know until the full version of Valorant comes out.

You were a mistake + Unimportant =

by idubbz is a cuck. May 10, 2020

1👍 1👎

You were a mistake + Unimportant =

Not funny didn't laugh.

You were a mistake + Unimportant =

by idubbz is a cuck. May 10, 2020