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Your purple

Someone who changed your life

Your purple is that person who came into your life and made it better by just being there and makes you feel good and your life would be a different place without them

by ✨Coffee lover ✨ January 18, 2021

274👍 3👎

Who is your purple?

Your purple is somebody who is there for you when you need it. Somebody who can make you smile even when you're mad. A person you're most comfortable with. Someone who loves you just because you are YOU.

“Who is your purple?“ My purple is you, Ritchie.

by user917428 April 14, 2023

26👍 1👎

Who’s your Purple?

Purple is someone who is your comfort. The one person who takes all your worries away. Someone that you know will always be there even though you’ve put them through a lot.

“So who’s your purple?”, “you’re my purple Tehilla.”

by Aaron Merc April 14, 2023