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Sparkle Tits

The Sparkly effect that girls (and some guys) get when they put glitter creams on their titties.

I love your sparkle tits!

"Hey, check out sparkle tits."

I love with my titties sparke.

by |EStarr| September 9, 2009

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for Just at Work

She is JAW
He is JAW goofing off

by |EStarr| August 27, 2009

35πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Internetter refers to someone who is highly knowledgeable of Internet based references & social networking tools.

He is a highly accomplished Internetter

by |EStarr| August 27, 2009

36πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The time during inebriation or substance use where an individual believes to have increased intellectual or philosphical awareness and / or a moment of heightened enlightenment.

He wrote that during his HighQueue.

She works better when she is HighQueue.

Isn't it ironic that HighQueue is killing brain cells?

He cannot function without being HighQueue.

His HighQueue programming is amazing.

I did it while I was HighQueue.

That drawing is soo HighQueue!!!

by |EStarr| August 30, 2009

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Person who tweets from multiple locations.

That Twitternetter was twexting with his mobile Internet device via WiFi because his cellphone did not have a signal.

by |EStarr| August 27, 2009

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a term used to describe scientific advancement as well as dynamic group functionary.

It's an Islineous Project
Top-Secret Istlineous Data

The Istlineous group is a secret group
Istlineous science is beyond quantum
The AI is running on an Istlineous platform

by |EStarr| May 23, 2018

Future Forward Friendly Environment

A Hi-Tech Phrase that represents the method of designing (and or creating) networking infrastructure that is dynamically capable of being upgraded with relative ease.

Layman's Terms: making a network that is easily upgradeable.

Our design approach was one with a future forward friendly environment.

Taking into account a Future Forward Friendly Environment, your network is highly capable & dynamically expandable, so as technology advances, so too will your network.

Our Future Forward Friendly Environment Approach to design ensures your network advances forward, never backwards.

A Future Forward Friendly Environment adapts with Leading Edge Infrastructure, keeping your company's network always in tune with current networking and protocol standards.

by |EStarr| February 26, 2011