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Deep Fried Meme

Mainstream nihilism.

“Some people say making regular memes into deep fried memes is not a real job. I disagree.”

by áutechre August 7, 2018

15👍 8👎


A year not yet over at the time of writing, but one that easily puts 2016 to shame. 2017 has been 10 months so far of face-palming Trump decisions, doom and gloom, depression, nuclear threats, a rising hard-Right, terror attacks, treason investigations, and really, really, shitty pop music. Like, really bad.

Now don't come to me complaining about the celebrities that died last year!

It's okay though. It's not the end of the world. It's just another year in the accelerating decline of it.

"Oh well, at least 2017 isn't as bad as 1917."

by áutechre November 8, 2017

25👍 13👎


Something we all need a serious break from.

"Isn't it ironic that the internet - that thing that contains almost all human knowledge - is somehow making us dumber?"

by áutechre December 5, 2017

3👍 2👎

Alt Right

"How dare you call Hitler a Nazi! Slander!"

The rebranding of a bunch of loosely-collected quasi-fascists who share a bitter hatred of the Left and a generally misanthropic, nihilistic outlook (that is, towards anyone that isn't them). Their ideology is usually vague, though they all have a dislike of intelligence, tolerance and femininity - and democracy, of course.

The Alt Right's ranks are full of under-educated white men who transform their inner insecurities into rage, and that rage into misguided spite. The two main subsections are the autistic 4chan keyboard warriors (you'll hear them use the word soy boy even though they probably only leave their bedrooms once a week), and the tiki torch marchers, who have been known to use their feet to walk. They also murder people from time to time.

It's an unholy combination of the bullied kids at school who are only a few steps away from shooting it up, and the old-school neo-Nazi youths (also bullied at school), some of whom are now actually fully-grown adults.

"Alt Right schmalt schmight, we all known its called they're fascists."

by áutechre September 26, 2018

176👍 123👎


A band that is simultaneously over- and underrated. While their albums since 2011 have been mediocre and sold way too much, their early material (1998-2008) is unfairly hated upon, bringing us some brilliant, melodic and heartfelt alt-rock. Though some of this work is overrated (namely "Fix You"), it is just jam-packed with incredible songs. Below are a list of some underrated gems.

"Sparks", "High Speed" and just about anything that isn't "Yellow" from Parachutes (2000).
"Politik" and "Amsterdam" from A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002).
"X&Y" and "Twisted Logic" from X & Y (2005).
"Cemeteries of London," "Lovers in Japan" and "Violet Hill" from Viva la Vida (2008) - their best album.
"Another's Arms" from Ghost Stories (2014).
"For You," "Crests of Waves", "One I Love," "Life in Technicolor ii," "All Your Friends" and "All I Can Think About is You" from their EPs

"Coldplay is on a slow downhill slide."

by áutechre June 20, 2018

2👍 1👎


A word we’ve somehow allowed to become an acceptable synonym for “woman”/“girl.” Also spelled “ho.”

Also, a prostitute or promiscuous woman.

“Yo, check out those hoes over there.”

by áutechre August 7, 2018

4👍 3👎


Use this in a definition for a word and everyone will downvote it. Using it labels you as an SJW which is, like, really bad. That being said it's correctly applied to a lot of things, like certain subsections of society.

Being called "sexist" is almost as offensive as being called "racist" to Right-wingers, which is funny considering it basically comes with the territory.

"Trump is a flagrant sexist." Pretty simple.

by áutechre September 26, 2018

8👍 25👎