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Opposite of "xor". Also known as "exclusive nor". Both things must be true, xor both things must be false.

If you own an Apple xnor a Samsung, then you're an odd person.

by ï¿° November 16, 2018


A person whose pfp is different every time you see it again. They are addicted to changing their pfp and like change.

There's this pfper in a server I'm in who has had thrity different pfps since last month.

by ï¿° January 13, 2019

sharp note

A sharp note is a note which has a "half" quality to it: Its pitch sounds incorrect to the key but sounds good to the human at the same time.

Ok, now that's definitely a sharp note in this song.

by ï¿° October 21, 2018


Any music you hate.

Purely lyrical music without instrumentation is noise.

by ï¿° January 13, 2019

8👍 2👎


Inclusive or. Same as "and/or". This is different from xor, exclusive or. Takes precedence after and.

Good usage: "It could be the engine or the transmission that's malfunctioning."
Bad usage: "It could be the engine or the transmission that's malfunctioning, or both." (Contains redundancy)

by ï¿° November 15, 2018

10👍 4👎


Like "nor", but for "and" instead of "or". Both things can't be true at the same time, but one or none can. Has the same precedence as "and".

If your car's engine works nand its transmission works, then you should take your car to the mechanic.

by ï¿° November 16, 2018

6👍 7👎


When a meme is stolen.

Try reverse-image-searching this meme. You won't believe how many times it got instagram'd.

by ï¿° January 13, 2019