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My mother fucking man if u touch him look at him or talk to him I’ll beat your head into a wall🙃 he is mine forever 😘 my nigga the best y’all go find u a Kevin but stay away from mine 😤😤😤

“That nigga Kevin fine asf”

“Yup that’s my husband leave him alone he don’t want u he wants me bitch 🙃”

by 🙄🙃🙃🙃🙃 December 24, 2018


Something you say When u do some dumb shit or fuck up. The extra n’s because u trying to be dramatic.

I asked my man for a word to define and he said “mannn”

by 🙄🙃🙃🙃🙃 December 25, 2018

3👍 5👎