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A kid's internet handle. Sheep is awsome :D

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A pistol most popular among gangs and terrorists. Some versions of the pistol are completely made from ceramics and fiberglass, making the gun impossible to detect by a metal detecting device. Other versions of the Glock include a feature which lets the user of the pistole switch it from semi-automatic fire to fully automatic.

You about to be Glocked yo.

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

6πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž


An online family, much like a clan but different in many ways.

I got owned by MajiBOB Drakken :(

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

9πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

desert eagle

A .44, .45, or .50 cal magnum pistol. One of the largest pistols on the market next to the Smith&Wesson .50 cal pistol.

You're staring down the barrel of a point fifty calibur Desert Eagle...see you in hell, fucker.

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

22πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


Tornovan Republic. See Fucktard.

by -Drakken August 22, 2003

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


An insult that is offensive and rolls off the tounge. Goes great in any flame. Term originally created and used by MajiBOB.

You sir, are an incompetant cocknigger.

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

66πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Shorthand for the word "you." Commonly used on the internet by those of low intellect, or those who are much to lazy to type a three letter word.

u cumn ovr 2day 4 anl sx?

by -Drakken August 23, 2003

2644πŸ‘ 558πŸ‘Ž