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an italian girl's vagina

Prosciutto is to italian girls like roast beef is to every other ethnicity.

by -anonymous15 February 1, 2020

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Super Mario Maker

A Mario game that lets you make your own Mario levels, as well as exposing somebody's sadistic side while inducing rage.

Arin: Danny, let's play more of Ross' levels in Super Mario Maker!

Danny: (Plays one of Ross' levels) Fuck!!!

Arin: (Proceeds to murder Ross)

by -anonymous15 October 17, 2015

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Chicken Wing

Mexican slang term for "she can win".

Juan's wife plays the lottery so chicken wing some money.

by -anonymous15 September 23, 2014

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Italian dip

To put some grated parmasean cheese in between the gums and lower lip

Before leaving Olive Garden, I took a pinch of grated parmasean to have an italian dip

by -anonymous15 October 27, 2019


abbreviation for completely unlikeable bitch

Have you seen Captain Marvel yet? No. It has that c.u.b. Brie Larson.

by -anonymous15 July 31, 2021

Power Rangers Samurai

1. The first Power Rangers Season since Saban Brands bought the franchise back from Disney.

2. An adaptation of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.

3. The reason Power Rangers should have ended at Power Rangers RPM.

Jayden: Let's watch some Power Rangers Samurai!

Takeru: Watch Shinkenger you prick! *throws sword at Jayden*

by -anonymous15 August 11, 2014

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Black Sabbath

A black person who practices Judaism.

If you see a gathering of black people praying at a Synagogue, is it a Black Sabbath?

by -anonymous15 October 22, 2018