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A "cult" made up by a group of high school kids as a way to appreciate a teacher. While their methods of appreciating said teacher might be a little bit strange, they have good intentions. Mr. Said Teacher, you know who you are, just know that these kids, including myself, think you're a pretty cool dude. Teachers don't often get appreciated, and are often taken for granted, so the creators of the cult wanted you to know that they, even though most are failing your class and could be doing better things with their time, such as trying to pass your class, think that your a great teacher, myself included. Mr. Said Teacher, if you are reading this, WE APPREICIATE YOUR EXISTANCE.

Mr. Said Teacher: You know you're failing my class right?
Over caffeinated and sleep deprived kids: Yeah, but Howardism is our way of showing you we think your a cool dude.
Mr. Said Teacher: You still have a 17% in my class.

by -phg- December 9, 2019

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