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One who you completely fell for; you never saw it coming and you ended up liking this person way more than planned. You two talked and talked almost 24/7. Late night phone calls and the cheesiest conversations were held with this person. Eventually, this person got your hopes up and crushed them. Just. Like. That. Some shit happened between you two and now, you're strangers again. You walk past one another like nothing ever happened. Like you two never even met. You two make awkward eye-contact every now and then. You look at this person thinking that he used to mean the world to you. In fact, he once was your world. Maybe, he might even still mean the world to you. With every glance at him, memories come to mind. You suddenly hear his voice repeating things he once said to you, over and over. Recalling the good times, trying to forget the bad. After reading this, you are probably picturing him in your head, right now.

Its Him.

by 1005 November 2, 2011

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