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Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach

The only composers people know nowadays.

1: I like classical music. Know any composers?
2: Yeah, Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach.

by 116584 January 1, 2017

3👍 1👎

bouvet island

A tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean that is just ice but Norway} claims it for some odd reason.

Guy 1: Know anything about Norway?
Guy 2: Yeah fam they got this crazy island named Bouvet Island bro.

by 116584 January 15, 2018


The Danish word for speed.

Fart kontrol - Speed limit in Danish

by 116584 January 15, 2018

3👍 2👎

krispy kreme donut

A fat white girl.

Guy 1: You see that girl across the room?
Guy 2: Man she be a krispy kreme donut.

by 116584 January 15, 2018

3👍 3👎


You are that number for visitors on an Internet site.

Congratulations! You are the 999,999th visitor!

by 116584 January 15, 2018

47👍 4👎

Morton Feldman

Like, the easiest to play composer with all the easiest songs, except John Cage's 4'33". His music is so creepy but it is perfect for horror movies.

Devil: What should we play in hell?
Satan: Let's play some Morton Feldman. It scares the shit out of me.

by 116584 January 3, 2017