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Sign into your friend account, it can even be for a day or 2 weeks, it doesn't matter what socal media it is.

I just sign into my friends tik tok accout, so they can be truested

by 1234579 December 28, 2021

2👍 7👎


Log into your friends account day, to see if there trust Worthy.

I logged into danny's account to see if he's trust worthy.

by 1234579 December 28, 2021


Sign into a random account,it can be someone you know, or someone your not that close with.

I went in dan's account to see if he's trust worthy

by 1234579 December 28, 2021


For the whole month of December you must log into someone else's socal media, but with the other person's concent.

Dan let me log into his account for the whole month of December.

by 1234579 December 29, 2021