Source Code


An an acronym meaning "Mother Of All Orgasms". Copied from the formula of MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs, or in the greatest game of all time, Mother Of All Bloons.).

"Seeing Yoshi's fat ass in that new hentai game is just a motherfucking recipe for a M.O.A.O."
"The gunplay in Modern Warfare just feels like a M.O.A.O compared to cold war."

by 14637956857642236735 August 6, 2021

Filling Machine

NOT the rinsing machine. The rinsing machine rinses the bottles out, while the filling machine fills the bottles with soda. i want to re-iterate. this is NOT THE RINSING MACHINE. THIS IS THE FILLING MACHINE

why do people keep confusing the Filling Machine with the Rinsing Machine?

by 14637956857642236735 April 5, 2021

Filling Machine

the holy being of all holy beings to be worshipped in all it's live giving glory and not to be confused with the slightly less holy filling machine, or the (may the filling machine forgive me for saying it's name) satanic capping machine.

"hey do you worship the almighty graceful filling machine?"
"no, are you retarded or something?"

by 14637956857642236735 April 8, 2021

1👍 1👎

Planetside 2

1:battle with 3 factions to control continents, and when you get a kill it feels 10000x more rewarding than a kill in COD.

2:the worst new player experience of all time where the weapons feel like you're holding an airsoft gun with more recoil, and all you need is cash money to get the advantage in a fight.

"hey man, i just won the lottery. lets play some Planetside 2, we have enough money to buy rediculously op shit now."
"ok and"

by 14637956857642236735 May 16, 2021

2👍 6👎

Fallout: New Vegas

you are a mailman that cheated death. someone got Chandler of the Friends series from Wish and sent him to shoot your face and bury you alive all while wearing a stylish checker suit. you can kill literally, and i mean literally anyone you want, at the cost of people thinking ur a mean boi. you must find Chandler and kill him.

"hey is that Fallout: New Vegas?"
"yeah, im trying to get every single faction to the 'I AM AN ASSHOLE' status and then im gonna kill chandler."

by 14637956857642236735 May 16, 2021

4👍 1👎

beat the shit out of a clown day

on december the 3rd, you find the clown, asshole, or furry closest to you, and beat the living shit out of them.

hey Jim-Bob! its beat the shit out of a clown day!

by 14637956857642236735 December 2, 2020