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Chinese Pizza

Chinese Pizza comprises pizza dough + Chinese food + cheese and then baked as a traditional pizza.
Chinese Pizza generally does not have the Italian-style tomato sauce but instead has a brown Chinese sauce or a tangy/spicy Chinese sauce.
Some restaurants rely primarily on a hoison bbq sauce.

Man, I'm dying for some General Tso's Pizza or some Kung Pao Pizza; it is delicious.
Mongolian Beef with onions also makes an excellent Chinese Pizza.

by 2Legit2Quit August 30, 2013

7👍 7👎

jet pack

the "backpacks" that use small ropes as straps, first made by Nike. also referred to as a "jetti"

hey, let me throw my keys in your jet pack

by 2Legit2Quit October 14, 2007

13👍 24👎