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do 'n dip

Similar to the fuck and chuck, the do 'n dip can be described as the act where one goes over to another's place, has sex, and then leaves immediately afterward. Where the fuck and chuck is done to oneself, the do 'n dip is done by oneself. The do 'n dip is often used as a retaliation against the fuck and chucker.

Chantelle: I pulled a do 'n dip on that fucker.

by 313vagina April 17, 2009

43πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

puke 'n go

The puke 'n go is the act of vomitting before going to the bar. The puke 'n go is ususally kept secret and revealed the next morning when retelling the events of the previous night. However it may also be shared directly after to induce a very entertaining few minutes of laughter and ridicule. This choice is left to the discretion of said puke 'n goer. The puke 'n go is similar to "the yak 'n stay back", however the former actually involves making it to the bar, whereas the latter is for pitiful individuals who stay at home. Followers of the puke 'n go are very determined to have a good time. They are looked up to, as they do not let putrid and disgusting bodily functions get in the way of having fun.

Chantelle is queen of the puke 'n go.

by 313vagina March 7, 2009

88πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

yak 'n stay back

The yak 'n stay back is the act of vomitting before the bar because you are far too drunk. However, not to be mistaken with the "puke 'n go", the yak 'n stay back involves never making it anywhere. Followers of the yak 'n stay back are left home alone in the bathroom/bed/floor/pool of vomit, and left to fend for themselves, as no one wants to take care of that. Friends of the yakker have a good time without him/her because he/she really isn't all that fun anyways.

Sam: I think I have to pull a "yak 'n stay back" tonight. *vomits more*
Amanda: Peace.

by 313vagina March 9, 2009

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A roommate who acts like your mom by tucking you into bed when you're drunk, making you dinner, bringing you medicine when you're sick, and of course picking you up and dropping you off at parties, friend's houses, school, etc.

Becki is the biggest mommate because she had to remind Jess to frequently apply sunscreen in Cuba.

Leah had to tuck Chantelle into bed when she was too drunk to manage on her own. What a nice mommate!

Jess, being the mommate that she is, drove Chantelle, Leah, and Amanda to the bar and told them to have a safe night.

by 313vagina March 1, 2009

80πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

finger bang

Another form of sexting. When you send sexual text messages to another, in hopes of getting some piece.

*Refers to the act of banging the keys of your cell phone with your fingers.

*Becki is sitting on the couch texting her man after a drunken night*
Liz: Hey Becki, who ya finger bangin' over there??
Becki: i'm getting my finger bang on. i'm going to have some sex tonight!

by 313vagina December 18, 2009

56πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

Mitt Socked

The female equivalent of getting sacked, characterized by a strong blow of the fist to the vaginal region.

Amanda accidentally mitt socked Jess in a drunken fit on a hotel bed in Cuba.

by 313vagina February 24, 2009

72πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

fucked and chucked

In the event of a one night stand, where one is abruptly left directly after the act of sexual intercourse.

Jess: I was fucked and chucked last night.
Leah: Shit.

by 313vagina February 23, 2009

106πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž