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When I close my eyes
I want you
When I open my eyes

I miss you
When tears fill my eyes

I need you
Now I realize how madly

I love you!! 1014 💟

by 4-ever October 20, 2023

91👍 262👎


I love you only you

I love you forever & ever!

1233 I love you only you

by 4-ever October 15, 2023

143👍 67👎


1233 fantasy, reality, happiness, fulfillment YOU

The love you feel is strong and beautiful 😍 becasuse even as imagination it makes you happy.

Fantasies are hidden hopes which will become whatever YOU want them to turn into....can become reality if we want, think and act accordingly...
Love fills you. It occupies you and makes life beautiful & colorful. If it is...it is, accept it...It belongs to you. Let it be.
Do not confuse positive & negative. Make up your mind.

The love you have, should be joy & peace for your body and soul 💓
What you feel intensely, comes with the emotions you associate with that.
Associate your love & the feelings you have with positivity, passion, happiness, content and peace will follow.
The emptiness is due to negativity and suppressing yourself. Being alone & away brings hollow feels.

Searching yourself? If lost, empty tell your special one to join in & maybe it will feel so much better to find love together ❤️

Do not just wonder if you haven't told.

1233 When fantasy becomes reality ☯️♾️☯️♾️
BELIEF you have means its not a fantasy its already backed by faith, reality. And strength is never empty ☯️💞☯️

by 4-ever October 28, 2023

47👍 46👎


I love you endlessly!
Isn't it obvious yet?

I know I am not good at showing my love the way I should but believe me if I could tell you every hour of every day that I love you so much it would be awesome.
Believe me when I say 1242 I love you

1242 I love you endlessly♾️

by 4-ever October 5, 2023

117👍 51👎


Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight:
I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight

1110 wish upon a star ♥️💫♥️

by 4-ever October 29, 2023

51👍 27👎


"Wish upon a star," they said,

"And all your dreams will come true."

"Any star?" I asked.

They smiled "Yes, any star will do."

I thought about a wish to make
And turned to see the view
But all that I could think to wish..
Was just to be with you.
So close my eyes and wish I did

And as the night turned blue

The wish star fell and so did I
Our dancing love renewed

1110 forever

by 4-ever October 21, 2023

55👍 29👎


My Angel, my heart
My Sweetheart, my love
My Destiny, my soulmate
My Teacher, my mentor

If it had not been for you, I would have never known what love was.

I wouldn't know how it felt to love someone and
How it felt to be loved in return

How it felt to miss someone and what it felt like to be missed in return

I would not have known how to cherish what I felt, the love I had

The gift of pure, heartfelt love that many miss out and never ever feel in this world
The love you taught me, the love that you gave me without my even asking

The eternal flame I feel within is all beacause of YOU

Thank you for loving me and showing me how to love

Love you forever ❤️

632 Love you forever ❤️

by 4-ever October 3, 2023

102👍 62👎