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On my way home from work today,
I tried to wave and smile to as many people as I could. Every day I was going to challenge myself to smile at one more…

Stupid idea…
One of my many

by 4-u September 19, 2023

45👍 184👎


My words aren’t meant to be confusing, but I see your point. You only have the confusion once a day when you read them… I have to live with this crazy mind all of the time. It definitely works overtime.

I believe he would get the riddles if he read them, but maybe he is just as confused…

It all makes sense in my head… at least the riddles.

Does she still work there? I got the impression you left? Could be wrong…

There has definitely been things in 2023 that have completely knocked me down relating to him. What is the worst thing that happens, I continue to believe and it never happens??? Or I stop believing and then it definitely doesn’t happen??? Probably doesn’t make much sense.

Gemini’s do everything in extreme… loving to an extreme is new to me. Overthinking, overreacting, stalking (friendly stalker at least), working, singing, dancing… I have totally done and some I still do. I picked up that you are a Gemini, correct?

I am thankful we were here to help each other… sign of fate right?

Just like us getting to our one ❤️
You just have to …. Say it with me

And yes, I may possibly be a little nutty. I did have myself being a squirrel a few days ago🤔

The why and the how’s… those are pesky little things…
Let me tell you I have why’s I would like him to answer:) He is not going to answer them and me overthinking the answer just drives me batty… this then brings in the fears of one day never happening.

So, I wrote down my fears and then had a bon fire and burned them. This supposedly is the universe taking on the fears. I don’t know if it necessarily works, but it made me feel better writing them down and then watching them burn… it was as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I hope you say more about this message…

by 4-u August 27, 2023

130👍 831👎


Maybe I am silly
For being that ant
Always believing

In that chance..

The last thing
I want to do

Is be a nuisance

To you…

But I will always love you


by 4-u May 23, 2023

148👍 155👎


There was this leaf…
It fell to the ground…
Without a tree around…
How is that possible…
I begin to ponder…

Here comes a butterfly…
Flying by…
It lands on my ride…
Again … why?

the message received…
Always believe…
Like a falling leaf…
With no tree…
Sense it doesn’t have to be…
Loving he….
I will see…
As long as we believe ❤️❤️❤️❤️

by 4-u September 2, 2023

16👍 26👎


Only a few more weeks
Then no sneak peeks.
I love the smile and wave
These are what gets me through the day.

You have my heart in every way, every day.
Always remember I love you
Forever and always I say!!
I hope you understand my love for you… for this I will pray!!!

Love you 😘

by 4-u April 30, 2023

30👍 73👎


I see the sparkle in my love’s eyes
Makes me so happy, it’s no surprise
That I can’t help, but beam a smile.
It’s enough to go the extra mile.

A joyous laughter we want to share
We both know how this love is rare.
Our hearts are so full

We constantly feel the pull.

Our hearts know,

As this love continues to grow.
We are meant to be.
And I can not disagree.

One day will come.
We will thank who this love is from.
Together Our hearts will beat
As we are now finally complete.

923 … the love I have for you!!! It gives me strength beyond anything…

Until our one day❤️❤️❤️
Love you always!!!

by 4-u March 21, 2023

114👍 68👎


Focus on the love I have for you…
Is what I do…
flushing it down the sink…

US, I know!!!
My love for you…
Away, it will never go…
This love for you is true!!


by 4-u August 15, 2023

84👍 40👎