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take it easy

To do a tad bit less than what you want to do.

Patient / Endurance Runner: (had surgery to remove tumor in leg and has 5" incision in thigh... Ran half-marathon the day before surgery and a 50km run 3 weeks before surgery.)

Surgeon Doc: "you can start running again after 2 weeks, if you really want to, but you need to take it easy, to start off with."

Patient / Endurance Runner: (runs 2 miles with a few breaks to walk some, exactly 2 weeks after surgery.)

Physical Therapist Doc: "I think you are doing too much... You need to take it easy."

Patient / Endurance Runner: "I thought running 2 miles with breaks is taking it easy. It's a lot less than running 31 miles." ...

by 70.3Anne December 10, 2011

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